Tuesday, September 9, 2008

21st Century Skills Framework

I have not been able to post to this blog as often as I intend and would like, but I am not giving up. I hope this information, though few and far between, will still help a teacher on their journey to move their teaching into the 21st Century. Today's topic is the 2nd installment in a series of postings about what 21st Century Skills look like for our students. If you have not read the 1st Installment, What are 21st Century Skills, I recommend you take a look. This post will focus on the Framework that the Partnership for 21st Century Skills created.

For a visual representation of the Framework, you can visit the Partnership for 21st Century Skills page dedicated to the Framework.

They have broken down the skills into 4 Basic Categories. Here I will outline what those categories are, but will be going into further detail in subsequent blog postings.

It may seem at this point that I am just outlining information you can find on Partnership for 21st Century Skill's website (which is true), but my goal is, once there is a good foundation of understanding, to go into further detail about how instruction needs to change because of these skills.

Take the time to really understand 21st century skills/themes - our students will be glad you did.